The objective of this project is to qualify Insulated Bus Pipe (IBP) for shipboard introduction and to research and develop a coaxial IBP with low magnetic signature for MVDC applications. A detailed test plan will be written and submitted to the Navy and ABS for concurrence. The project will document the results of all qualification tests, results of the coaxial concept design and development, and a written draft specification for IBP.
This project is a follow-on to the NSRP project 2018-441 Land Based Case Study of Insulated Bus Pipe (IBP). During this project, the team will research and conduct qualification tests of high-temperature IBP. The team will research, design, and build a straight section of coaxial, low magnetic signature IBP for the purpose of medium voltage direct current (MVDC). The return on investment and business case analysis conducted during the previous NSRP project demonstrated significant benefits of IBP over cable for ship construction.
Key Deliverables / Benefits:
The team estimates the following savings:
- $1.6M cost savings per ship
- 57.6% weight savings using IBP vs cables (savings of 143 tons per ship)
- 42% space savings using IBP vs cables
Point of Contact:
Forrest Parker | Hepburn and Sons, LLC| forrest.parker@hepburnandsons.com
*Final Report is limited to US Shipbuilding and Repair Industry and NSRP Program Representatives

Project Team:
- Hepburn and Sons, LLC
- GD-Bath Iron Works
- RSL Fiber Systems, LLC
- ARONAV Laboratories, Inc,
- American Bureau of Shipping
- NSCW-Philadelphia