The greatest portion of industry and government funding for NSRP is invested in R&D projects which fall into two categories: Panel Projects and Research Announcement (RA) projects. RA projects can run into the millions of dollars, are funded with both government monies and industry cost share and may last up to three years. Panel projects are lower cost and are of shorter duration.
The NSRP Executive Control Board (ECB) regularly allocates funding for a portfolio of projects which are solicited through the 9 NSRP Panels and meet the following criteria:
Duration: 12 months or less
Funding: $200K or less
Focus: should align with the mission of one or more NSRP Panels and the overall objectives of the Program.
Panel White Paper Submission and Selection
- Proposers submit white papers to Panel Chair and ATI
- Panel Members review and prioritize white papers
- Panel Chairs submit final white paper selections to ATI
- ATI reviews for technical and cost compliance
- Complete white paper portfolio is presented by the Panel Chairs (or their designees) to the Executive Control Board for selection and award
Research Announcements (RAs) provide a method of contracting for research and development (R&D) based upon notices posted on System for Acquisition Management ( and the NSRP website to identify areas of research interest. They are issued when NSRP desires new and creative solutions to problem statements and/or advances in technologies, tools and processes and are more flexible than other solicitation formats, (ex. Requests for Proposals (RFPs) which require specific solutions or outcomes), allowing NSRP to state its objectives in general terms of need or interest
RA Proposal Submission and Selection
In addition to describing NSRP areas of R&D interest, the RA provides an overview of the proposal submission and selection process (outlined below), including submission deadlines:
- RA is issued; proposers begin developing summary proposals
- Summary Proposals are submitted to ATI — a firm submission deadline is included in the Research Announcement and posted on the NSRP website
- Summary Proposals are reviewed by third-party subject matter experts, followed by an industry expert panel
- Executive Control Board reviews and selects portfolio for funding
- Proposals selected for funding submit to ATI full Statements of Work, Technology Transfer Plans and Cost Proposals for technical and cost compliance
- Proposals which meet above-described requirements receive award