The project’s primary goal is to install a laser peening system onboard an LCS platform, treat its aluminum deck, and have NSWC Carderock certify the technology for shipyard use.
Laser peening imparts a deep compressive residual stress in all metals but has especially been shown to be beneficial in aluminum applications from forming complex shapes or straightening and mitigating a myriad of issues caused by lengthy deployments in hot marine environments. The following five goals will be achieved in this project.
- Build a laser peening system specifically for integrating at a shipyard
- Design and deliver the Beam Deck Delivery System for safe laser peening onboard ship
- Peen test samples for completion of the NSWC Carderock laser peening certification tests
- Integrate utilities to laser peening system onboard ship
- Laser peen LCS aluminum deck that is being repaired/replaced while avoiding rework
Key Deliverables / Benefits:
- Reduction in number of inserts
- Weight reduction from overall ship weight budget
- Increased ship speed, fuel savings, and payload options
- Reduced rate of sensitization and retardation of aluminum crack growth
- Reduction in labor costs
Point of Contact:
Eric Hepburn | Hepburn and Sons, LLC | eric.hepburn@helpburnandsons.com

Hepburn and Sons, LLC | LSP Technologies | Vigor Shipyards | NSWC-Carderock
December 2019 – October 2021