
The purpose of this project is to assess current shipbuilding industry supervisor safety training practices and develop a pathway to a nationally recognized and accepted maritime safety supervisor training credential. The goal is to reduce injuries and improve industry emergency response preparedness by providing frontline supervision the skills needed to develop a positive safety culture in their organizations.


Supported by safety professionals, the shipbuilding industry relies heavily on frontline production management to assess and mitigate the physical, chemical, and ergonomic hazards to which their work crews are exposed. Employers provide basic internal training, however there exists no maritime industry standard for supervisor safety training or demonstration of supervisor competence. This places the burden to develop and implement adequate health and safety training tools on each employer (shipyards and support contractors).  This project is to evaluate current management training effectiveness across several maritime industry employers, and then develop a curriculum to support a standardized approach to training and credentialing frontline management.

Key Deliverables / Benefits:

NNS believes it has identified a key deficiency in the maritime industry that other industries have already identified and successfully navigated. Companies that provide behavioral and practical application safety training to their employees experience a dramatic decrease in workplace injuries.

Point of Contact:

Jim Erickson | HII – Newport News Shipbuilding | James.A.Erickson@hii-nns.com


Workforce & Compliance

Project Team:

  • HII – Newport News Shipbuilding

March 2023 – March 2024