
This project’s goal is to explore current capabilities of existing electronic tools and software and/or develop a software/tool that will meet shipyard sight validation requirements for equipment, ensuring the tool can interface with the Navy’s Model-Based Product Support system.


The approach with this project is to explore a new uniform and technically advanced sight validation tool that is compatible with MBPS and that can be used by the construction and sustainment communities when carrying out validation efforts. The project team will explore existing software and hardware on the market, or possibly develop software and hardware that can support the contract deliverables as well as handle the flexible needs of the users in a cost-effective solution.

Key Deliverables / Benefits:

  • Final Report with recommendations

The implementation of a uniform automated sight validation tool and process used across the shipbuilding and in-service industry will reduce the time required to validate with a paper product. It will also introduce consistency to the shipbuilders and Configuration Design Managers, and help reduce the cost of individual development of tools and process to meet the same requirement and deliverable across the industry.

Point of Contact:

Paula Lacharite | Ingalls Shipbuilding | paula.lacharite@hii-ingalls.com



Project Team:

  • Ingalls Shipbuilding, Bath Iron Works

March 2023 – March 2024