The objective of this project was to provide a proven methodology for the US Shipbuilding Industry and the US Navy to build upon an initial set of Standard Ship Design Modules for HM&E that are Navy/ABS compliant, based on agreed upon principles.
This project was designed to reduce the cost of ship design by developing “plug and play” standardized modules for Hull, Mechanical and Electrical systems with Navy/ABS compliance. The project begins to break the mold of conventional custom-fit designs that increase ship costs and build schedules. HM&E Design standards created through this project will enable standardized design spaces for functional ship areas such as Galley, CIC, Bunk Areas, Office Spaces, and Machinery Spaces for each ship class. The project leverages interface control methodologies to enable an implementation-focused delivery of pre-engineered products.
By working at the deck plate and with a host of key industry and navy participants, critical functional lean manufacturing and Design for Affordability (DFA) practices and experiences will be folded into common design modules allowing for reduced design lead time, design cost and construction cost.
Key Deliverables / Benefits:
Request Final Report form NSRP– Limited Distribution Authorized to Project Participants and NSRP ASE Program Representatives
Point of Contact:
Brent Tompkins, Bollinger Shipyards

Project Team:
- Bollinger Shipyards
- BAE Systems Southeast Shipyards
- Ingalls Shipbuilding
- U.S. Joiner
- Ship Architects, Inc.
- Gatekey Engineering, Inc.
- Victoria Dlugokecki, P.E.
- Hepinstall Consulting
July 2014 - June 2016
NSRP ASE Investment: $1.3M
Industry Investment: $1.3M