
The objectives of the project included:

  1. Review of the IARC Monograph Volume 118 (2018) to extract and summarize studies and references to welding processes, materials, claims and conclusions that may apply to shipyard welding.
  2. Collect and review existing representative occupational exposure air monitoring data for work comparable to welding processes cited by IARC for elevated cancer risk;
  3. Determine exposure ranges, by process, to compare to exposure categories cited in the IARC report.
  4. Prepare a summary report to inform shipyards:
    1. What potential cancer risks have been identified in the IARC report?
    2. What shipyard welding work is most likely to create welding fume exposures at or above levels of concern?
    3. What air monitoring and testing methods are recommended for further evaluation?
    4. What existing training, process control and protective measures are shown to be effective for elimination or reduction of these potential hazards?
    5. Recommendations for follow up action, as needed, for shipyards to remain informed and well-equipped to protect the health of their welders

Request Final Report from NSRP – Distribution authorized for public release; distribution is unlimited.


Workforce & Compliance

Project Team

  • BSI EHS Services and Solutions East Inc.
  • NAVMEDCEN Industrial Hygiene
  • GD-Bath Iron Works
  • HII-Newport News Shipbuilding
  • Norfolk Naval Shipyard


NSRP ASE investment: $30K