
The PPPF discovers and disseminates best practices focused on the principal manufacturing processes, equipment, planning, and facilities required to support the fabrication, assembly, and testing phases of ship production, repair and maintenance.

Panel Scope

NSRP’s major focus areas that map to the Planning, Production Processes, And Facilities (PPPF) Panel are:

  • Discover and disseminate best practices related to the principal manufacturing processes, equipment, planning, and facilities required to support the fabrication, assembly, and testing phases of ship production.

Panel Focus Areas

In addition to the NSRP major focus areas, the PPPF Panel will focus improving the efficiency and quality of constructing a ship, including:

  • Researching and evaluating advanced technologies, tools and materials used during the ship production phase.
  • Examining methods to optimize build strategies and improvements to facilities.
  • Maximizing collaborative efforts with the Ship Design & Materials Panel to fully realize new technologies, tools and processes developed by both panels.
  • Researching new and emerging technologies to reduce service and support costs.
  • Seeking collaborative opportunities in welding, coatings and electrical technologies

Panel Officers

Peter Radzick



Patrick Cahill


Cahill Consulting, L.L.C.

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